Adventures in the
Digital Frontier

Navigating the Virtual Frontier

Alchemelic Robotic Resonance

Where Dreams Meet Digital Reality

d-oo-b Virtual Vibes Radio

Alchemelic Live TV

We are thrilled to Broadcast the playlist showcasing our classic shows with the video recording. This TV channel is filled with pure musical magic by proton d-oo-b and amazing visual effects by Kalyca.

Alchemelic Live TV

📻 Alchemelic Radio Update 📻

Hey Alchemelic listeners!

We are thrilled to Broadcast the playlist showcasing our classic shows. This playlist is filled with pure musical magic, all created by Alchemelic, also known as proton d-oo-b.

Tune in and let the vibes flow at! 🎶✨

Stay tuned and keep the music alive!

Next Show:

Caravan Jam

Caravan Jam Poster

Alchemelic Shorts



If you want to listen to our albums,

search for "Alchemelic"

on your preferred platform.



Alchemelic is a music and art project that transcends borders and boundaries. Founded in 2016 by Proton d-oo-b and Kalyca, a visionary duo whose passion for creativity and exploration led them to create a truly unparalleled experience. Based in Switzerland and America, Alchemelic's performances are an immersive fusion of visual art and original music that ignites the imagination and elevates the spirit.

Alchemelic ist ein Musik- und Kunstprojekt, das Grenzen überwindet und Rahmen sprengt. Gegründet wurde das Projekt 2016 von Proton d-oo-b und Kalyca, einem visionären Duo, dessen Leidenschaft für Kreativität und Erkundung sie dazu brachte, ein wahrhaft unvergleichliches Erlebnis zu schaffen. Verwurzelt in der Schweiz und in Amerika sind die Auftritte von Alchemelic eine immersive Verschmelzung von visueller Kunst und origineller Musik, die die Fantasie anregt und den Geist erhebt.

With Kalyca's skillfull visual artistry and Proton d-oo-b's unparalleled musical talents, Alchemelic creates a multi-sensory experience that is unlike anything else. From the moment they take the stage, audiences are transported to a world of color, sound, and sensation.

Their website,, offers fans an opportunity to explore the depths of their creative vision, learn more about them, and keep up to date on their events.

Additionally, fans can stream their music on

allowing them to experience the magic of Alchemelic from anywhere in the world.

Alchemelic is a testament to the power of creativity and the boundless possibilities of artistic expression and love. With their unwavering commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible, Alchemelic will continue to captivate audiences and inspire artists for years to come.


facebook/AlchemelicLaouz instagram/alchemelic/

Mit der aussergewöhnlichen visuellen Kunst von Kalyca und den unvergleichlichen musikalischen Talenten von Proton d-oo-b, schafft Alchemelic ein multisensorisches Erlebnis, das mit nichts anderem vergleichbar ist. Von dem Moment an, in dem sie die Bühne betreten, wird das Publikum in eine Welt der Farben, Klänge und Empfindungen entführt.

Ihre Website bietet Fans die Möglichkeit, die Tiefen ihrer kreativen Vision zu erkunden, mehr über sie zu erfahren und sich über ihre Veranstaltungen auf dem Laufenden zu halten.

Ausserdem können die Fans ihre Musik auf

streamen, so dass sie die Magie von Alchemelic von überall auf der Welt erleben können.

Alchemelic ist ein Zeugnis für die Kraft der Kreativität und die grenzenlosen Möglichkeiten des künstlerischen Ausdrucks und der Liebe. Mit ihrem unerschütterlichen Engagement, die Grenzen des Möglichen zu erweitern, werden Alchemelic auch in den kommenden Jahren ihr Publikum fesseln und Künstler inspirieren.

Alchemelic: Relaxing Music for Aging and Memory Care

Alchemelic, founded in 2016 by caregivers Kalyca and Proton d-oo-b, is music dedicated to creating music that helps individuals relax and potentially improve memory retention. Their music offers comfort and distraction without triggering negative memories, making it an ideal choice for managing the aging process.

Their music has become a cherished source of relief for many listeners, including Proton's mother, who found solace and joy in Alchemelic's music during her final days. Not only is Alchemelic's music a valuable resource for individuals seeking relaxation and memory retention benefits, but it is also a perfect choice for caregivers.

Kalyca and Proton d-oo-b's understanding of the challenges of aging and the importance of providing comfort and distraction shines through in their music, making it a valuable tool for supporting loved ones in their later years. Additionally, Alchemelic's positive and uplifting music is beneficial for individuals with dementia or other memory-related conditions, as it is created without triggering negative memories from the past. Discover the calming and therapeutic effects of Alchemelic's music today.

Alchemelic: Entspannende Musik für ältere Menschen und Gedächtnistraining

Alchemelic wurde 2016 von den Pflegekräften Kalyca und Proton d-oo-b gegründet und hat sich der Entwicklung von Musik verschrieben, die den Menschen hilft, sich zu entspannen und möglicherweise die Gedächtnisleistung zu verbessern. Ihre Musik bietet Trost und Ablenkung, ohne negative Erinnerungen auszulösen, und ist damit die ideale Wahl für den Umgang mit dem Alterungsprozess.

Ihre Musik ist für viele Hörer zu einer geschätzten Quelle der Erleichterung geworden, so auch für Protons Mutter, die in ihren letzten Tagen Trost und Freude in der Musik von Alchemelic fand. Die Musik von Alchemelic ist nicht nur eine wertvolle Ressource für Menschen, die Entspannung suchen und ihr Gedächtnis aufrechterhalten wollen, sondern sie ist auch die perfekte Wahl für Pflegekräfte.

Das Verständnis von Kalyca und Proton d-oo-b für die Herausforderungen des Alterns und die Wichtigkeit, Trost und Ablenkung zu spenden, scheint in ihrer Musik durch, Das macht sie zu einem wertvollen Instrument, um Angehörige in ihrem Alter zu unterstützen. Zusätzlich, Alchemelic's positive und aufmunternde Musik ist auch für Menschen mit Demenz oder anderen Gedächtnisproblemen von Vorteil, denn sie wird erzeugt, ohne negative Erinnerungen aus der Vergangenheit zu wecken. Entdecken Sie noch heute die beruhigende und therapeutische Wirkung der Musik von Alchemelic.

Alchemelic is a musical project that meticulously composes its pieces note by note. The artists incorporated mathematics, European musical style, and music theory from 1750 to 1850. The collaboration between artists from the United States and Switzerland results in a unique project. Alchemelic's vision is to connect people's hearts through technology.

Alchemelic ist ein Musikprojekt, das seine Stücke akribisch Note für Note komponiert. Dabei beziehen die Künstler sowohl Mathematik als auch den europäischen Musikstil und die Musiktheorie von 1750-1850 mit ein. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Künstlern aus den USA und der Schweiz resultiert in einem einzigartigen Projekt. Die Vision von Alchemelic ist es, die Herzen der Menschen durch den Einsatz von Technologie zu verbinden.


Like what you hear? Get Alchemelic Music on Bandcamp and be absolutely wonderful!

If you are interested in watching one of our Alchemelic Live Shows take a look at our Secondlife profile. You'll find a link to this site there.

Check out the calendar to catch a performance

Alchemelic radio 24/7:

Follow us on Mastodon: Mastodon

Join our facebook: facebook

Follow us on Flickr: Alchemelic Flickr

Post your Alchemelic photos to our Flickr group: Flickr group

YouTube: YouTube

Google: Google

Game: Alchemelic Game (Android)

Sheet Music: Truce

Let me know if you like sheet music and want to have another song at your disposal! I'm going to make a sheet of the Alchemelic music you'd like to play.





Booking Info:


We would be thrilled to bring Alchemelic's unique fusion of original music and visual art to your event. Our performances ignite the imagination and elevate the spirit of your audience, and we have had the privilege of delivering this experience at various events and venues.


We specialize in creating stages that fit nearly any venue, ensuring your audience is immersed in our immersive and transformative experience. If you're interested in booking Alchemelic for your next event, please don't hesitate to contact Proton d-oo-b (Eifachfilm Vacirca) or Kalyca McCallen.


Thank you for considering Alchemelic for your event, and we look forward to working with you to create a truly unforgettable experience.




Artist Name: proton d-oo-b

RL City: Zürich, Switzerland


Swiss artist Proton d-oo-b, also known as Eifachfilm Vacirca, boasts a diverse background in media, theater, and music. Notably, he led Schauspielhaus Zürich's media division. In 2006, he gained prominence in's alternative club scene as a musician, poet, and inventor. Swiss TV featured him, highlighting his journey and DJ persona. His passion for art and music shines in Alchemelic, a 2016 music-art project co-founded with Kalyca.


Proton d-oo-b, also known as Eifachfilm Vacirca, is a versatile Swiss artist with a degree in ecology. He began his career in the media industry, working with VHS cassette copies and later transitioning to roles in TV news and film marketing. He further expanded his expertise in theater, pay-per-view, and music. Notably, he headed the media department of Schauspielhaus Zürich, a highly acclaimed theater.


In 2006, Proton d-oo-b ventured into, establishing himself as a prominent figure in the alternative club scene. A musician, poet, inventor, and more, he drew inspiration from underground music in Zurich and the virtual club scene. He gained recognition through Swiss TV features that highlighted his Second Life journey and his DJ persona, DJ Proton d-oo-b.


Proton d-oo-b's artistic dedication extended to Alchemelic, an innovative music and art project co-founded in 2016 with Kalyca, a boundary-pushing multimedia artist. Their collaborative work offers a unique, customizable experience adaptable to various settings. Through his multifaceted pursuits, Proton d-oo-b showcases his deep passion for art and music.


Some examples of d-oo-b's work in the past:

A documentary with d-oo-b made by swissTV 2009


Banker Begs for Building performance at Burning Man regional in 2010

Pimperpuppets a project by d-oo-b at LEA in 2015:

Urban Color Explosion a project by d-oo-b & kalyca at LEA in 2017:

At the end of 2019 d-oo-b released the Flux and Vibrant Energies albums on all major music platforms. Since then they have been on tour in the virtual world with their project:

His music, his activities and his arts all actually show his love for his work and life.



Artist Name: kalyca

RL City: Octaluma, USA


Kalyca's creativity embodies the vibrant Bay Area, where she grew up. From a young age, she has been an adventurer, performer and artist, always exploring and discovering new ways to express herself.

Kalyca's passion for creativity has taken her through various mediums, including dyes, paints, metals, wood, and even incense and jewelry making. Her exploration of the digital world has led her to become a self-taught digital artist, constantly pushing herself to learn and innovate.

In 2007, Kalyca discovered Second Life and quickly found a new platform to unleash her artistic skills. She began with photography and has since worked with many outstanding musicians, artists, and venues to exhibit her diverse creative abilities.

Kalyca's partnership with d-oo-b led to the formation of Alchemelic in 2016, a dynamic music and art performance duo. They have performed at prestigious events such as SLB, Burn2, Fantasy Faire, SLEA, UASL, and Relay for Life. Their unique blend of particles, art, and music has captivated audiences and left them spellbound.

Kalyca's latest real-life venture, Cosmicly Kaly, is a testament to her boundless creativity. She has created a variety of coloring books, coloring pages, and digital products that transport visitors to a whimsical world of imagination and enchantment.

Through her journey as an artist, Kalyca remains committed to learning and creating. Follow her on Facebook and explore her DeviantArt and Flickr portfolios to check out her creative talent.

LINKS: facebook/kalyca.mccallen deviantart/kalyca-mccallen flickr/psychedelic_butterfly/






Use Art Place d-oo-b to contact the artists


Captivating Intriguing
Navigating the Virtual Frontier
Where Dreams Meet Digital Reality


©℗ by Alchemelic

Zurich, Switzerland

2016 - 2024